Saturday, July 7, 2012

Dunedin loves Cadbury

The beautiful city of Dunedin is home to the only NZ Cadbury Factory. And the week were visiting happened to be Cadbury Chocolate Carnival week! Take that Stampede! We only attended a couple of the many events (more about those later) and also toured the Cadbury Factory. 

The factory tour was quite cool, and we came away with lots of samples :) I preferred this to the "eat as much as you can" style of the other chocolate factory tour I have been on (Frey, in Switzerland) because I felt a lot less sick afterwards :) It was neat to see all the manufacturing processes... so different and yet similar to electronics. :) Also there is a ridiculous "chocolate waterfall" inside the big purple silo, purely for tourists, haha. 1 ton of chocolate is dropped 5 stories every tour! Eventually the reusable ton is fed to pigs (so it's not entirely wasted).

The Dunedin Railway Station is apparently the most photographed building in NZ.
I can see why, it is very attractive! 
Tribute to the Olympics made in yummy chocolate
They let spectators help (with the less-detailed sections onlyI think)
Even Scott had to wear a hairnet, bwah ha ha [Ridiculous! I was freshly head-shaved and everything! -Scott]
Unfortunately no pics of the factory were allowed, but it was basically like this inside. 
Old milk truck and delivery truck that they used to use!
Wall of overpriced chocolate, mmmmm
Crunchie mountain!
We each got 4 bars, not bad! Chocolate fish are a unique NZ treat. 

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